Friday, May 17, 2013

Original westshore weathervane

The original westshore weathervane located on the lakeside shed

Local weathervanes

There are some fabulous weathervanes in Central New York.  Fabulous detail on the Dewitt firehouse
Dewitt firehouse

Horse barn Fayetteville NY

Garage cupola Jamesville NY

Barn cockerill, Jamesville NY

Cherub, Fayetteville NY

Golfer, Drumlins, Dewitt NY

Horse barn LaFayette NY

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Art Nouveau weathervanes

Beautiful work by Paul Margetts including this fabulous Art Nouveau inspired weathervane
and a lovely school weathervane

Welcome to Whirlyworld Weathervanes

Weathervanes have been around for centuries and adorn churchs, houses, barns, and even cricket grounds. My favorite weathervane is on top of the Lord's Cricket Ground in London
Image from Flick (User:hamilcar_south)